I'm a young professional, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how to develop leadership skills for moving up the corporate ladder without sacrificing happiness or values. I seem to notice a lot of people take the path of doing things like jobs they know they're going to hate before they even start, intense working hours that severely cut into family/personal time, a low salary, and so on. Life includes plenty of opportunities to be miserable but it's too short to plan parts of it that way.

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One of the most common leadership challenges I see in my work is how to lead effectively through difficult conversations; when confrontations need to be had and hard choices need to be made. Obviously there's a lot of stylistic and 'authentic voice' questions at play in this arena, but I suspect you'd have some interesting thoughts to offer here (and I'm a relatively new subscriber, so I suspect that you already have some of this 'in the archives' - sometimes a topic reprise can be worthy too!)

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Thank you for this, Kellee. I suspect you’re not alone in this area.

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Non-profit leadership, leading through transitions, leading through turn-arounds, leading during a recession, leading durning incredible growth (e.g. not making the mistakes Stripe and others made), leading part-time, leading vs. managing, non-corporate leadership examples (symphony conductors, boat captains, fitness instructors, pit crew chiefs, fast-food restaurant managers, ministers/priests/rabbis -- anywhere unexpected we can find examples that can be applied more broadly). I know you've covered several of these in the past, but they just seem to be .... timeless and timely. Heh, heh -- see what I did there?

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Clearly you want a job in content strategy.

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Transitioning to the next stage retiring from my 34 year profession, I seek clarity of how to contribute through writing or other ways and feel productive and good about it. Clarity on direction and not feeling out of the loop of life that works for the living may be my challenges. Being a thought leader, not a team leader maybe. Love your posts.

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