You have to think the prevalence of astroturfing has contributed significantly to manipulating the perception of a "movement" or that an issue has "momentum." This form of deception impacts both those for and against and issue. People that may slightly agree will feel that this is an issue that is moving forward and compelling a need to engage. Likewise, those who slightly disagree may feel that they're being placed on the defensive--needing to act about something that may not truly be an issue.

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Scott Monty

Very interesting topic. Unfortunetly, the number of real leaders in our days is limited. I would like to mention the story of Bill Lear. We all know him as he was the creator of Lear Jets. However, most of us are not familiar with the fact that due to a mechanical failure on one of his aircrafts he prohibeted any flying of the remaining fleet, covering all the expenses of his customers entirely for a significant time frame and approving flights only when he was sure that the failire was found and that it was been fixed in all of the aircrafts. He lost a fortune in the process but has proven that he is someone you can rely on, a true leader!

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Thanks for sharing that information about Bill Lear. That's a leader who was committed to his values.

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Sep 15, 2021Liked by Scott Monty

Thanks for this piece, Scott. Social media, Facebook in particular, may indeed be our new cancer. It is taking its greatest toll on kids and young adults, who as "digital natives" seem defenseless. I have to use social media for work. I removed all apps except LinkedIn from my phone when I came to the realization that doom scrolling the platforms was subtracting joy from my life not adding it. As an early adopter I had high hopes for the potential to connect. I was naive. When Zuckerberg and his team discovered that more money is made from enragement than engagement the die was cast.

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Engagement versus engagement — I like that. They’re good at giving iregasms.

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Excellent, as always ! Interested in your take on this piece from last year: https://perspectiveandcontext.substack.com/p/the-silence-from-us-business-in-this

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Can you please share some details of top parental control app in Singapore?

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