I enjoy your writing and offered readings very much. I just sent out a lovely email with articles about kindness. Earlier this morning, I put together a multibag package of interesting useful things for someone living in their car. Not just warm socks, underwear, and clothes, a pillow and blankets and food but dental floss, toothpaste, q tips, soap, a towel, a toothbrush, a flashlight, hat, scarf, gloves, a deck of cards, paper and pens, just all things that could enhance the situation or bring a smile. It felt nice to find as much as I could to help a situation that does not feel nice and that has been filled with hateful speech, shame and blame, even ingratitude.
Its sad that mental health is not assisted more in our society. Unfortunately too, the mentally ill are often hard to help because of the behavior and thoughts from the illness. Fortunately, I have learned that we have to set boundaries that are kind to ourselves, not just the other. This person has been given so much with little good to show for it, (vocational training, even a furnished house he sold and spent all the money from in three months). yet it feels right to help in this way, just not to help in a way that harms us. No more cars and large sums of money for this grown up stepson.
I enjoy your writing and offered readings very much. I just sent out a lovely email with articles about kindness. Earlier this morning, I put together a multibag package of interesting useful things for someone living in their car. Not just warm socks, underwear, and clothes, a pillow and blankets and food but dental floss, toothpaste, q tips, soap, a towel, a toothbrush, a flashlight, hat, scarf, gloves, a deck of cards, paper and pens, just all things that could enhance the situation or bring a smile. It felt nice to find as much as I could to help a situation that does not feel nice and that has been filled with hateful speech, shame and blame, even ingratitude.
Its sad that mental health is not assisted more in our society. Unfortunately too, the mentally ill are often hard to help because of the behavior and thoughts from the illness. Fortunately, I have learned that we have to set boundaries that are kind to ourselves, not just the other. This person has been given so much with little good to show for it, (vocational training, even a furnished house he sold and spent all the money from in three months). yet it feels right to help in this way, just not to help in a way that harms us. No more cars and large sums of money for this grown up stepson.