Sep 7, 2022Liked by Scott Monty

This is a brave and moving article!

My dad served in the Army, and my brother-in-law's career is in the Air Force.

My BIL was on a deployment in Qatar when my sis gave birth to their youngest. I was there to hold my sister's hand, and then the laptop with Skype, so my BIL could see his son for the first time. The moment baby heard Daddy's voice, his head turned right towards the laptop, and his eyes locked on the light. He knew Daddy's voice from the daily audio messages my BIL recorded and sent to my sis! She held the phone to her tummy to play them, throughout the long months Daddy was away, serving our country.

When I say "Thank you for your service" to someone, I mean it, deeply and emotionally. Your article hit that chord! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!

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That's an amazing story, Christine. I can't imagine missing the birth of a child, but how wonderful that you were able to help your brother-in-law still make that connection so powerfully!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Scott Monty

This is possibly the best thing you've ever written.

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Wow - that's high praise from you, Helena. Thank you!

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Scott Monty

We're extremely fortunate to have Joe Biden as our leader - he's "the real deal" as they say - he actually, genuinely cares about this country, and each and every citizen in it, not just the wheels of Wall Street and waving the flag. To Joe Biden, the USA is its citizenry. I'd be nice if more people cared as he does. But here's the thing: you cannot MAKE anybody care about anything. There are genuinely caring people who care about people, and there are clods who care about themselves & their bank accounts. The former also care about themselves & their bank accounts, but never at the expense of other people. Simple as that. Again, Biden is a remarkable person; such integrity in public service is rare these days. And that's a difference, too - Biden IS in public SERVICE, to serve the public, not use us to serve him. And an enormous difference it is!!!

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Well said, Kate.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Enjoyed every part of this article. I’m 70, a Vietnam Veteran and someone who had several roles in management over my 50 plus years of working. These truths in this article are how I tried to perform and relate to my staff. Thanks for the article. Very appreciated.

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Charles, I’m so thankful you’re here and so pleased to know this resonated with you. Most of all, I’m grateful for your service to our country.

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