May 13, 2021Liked by Scott Monty

Fun stuff, Scott. In fact the list you started should be required reading for writers at The Simpsons. Lots of scenes where either Mr. Burns or Abe Simpson are spouting off in twattle that no one else on screen can follow.

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May 10, 2021Liked by Scott Monty

OK, my fellow word nerds, a book. About words. I Always Look Up the Word Egregious: A vocabulary book for people who don't need one, by Maxwell Nurnberg. From it I give you veridical: speaking the truth; corresponding to reality. :-D

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I think you may have inspired something more, Helena…

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I love it! Can't wait.

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May 10, 2021Liked by Scott Monty

Scott--I love this list! I wonder if people used more of these words whether it would improve their click-throughs on headlines and social media shares. But if we fugel the day away who has time to participate in twattling on these platforms? Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen - Actionable Marketing Guide

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It would certainly make for more questions!

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As a zwodder with a persistent elfock issues, I am all in with this! The perfect meeting of subject and writer!

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Typing with the elflock on isn't a problem. It's when it moves to video meetings that I'm in trouble.

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I'm sorry, Scott, but I've known you for years and have never seen you with so much as single a lock out of place. Your locks would appear to flummox even the most determined elf. I, on the other hand, have made a long career out of looking like I come my hair with an electric hand mixer. At least now I know whom to blame for my appearance!

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If you're looking for fascinating, unheard-of words, take a look at "The Liar's Dictionary". It's an incredible read. And the most ambitious use of language I've discovered since "Finnegan's Wake". (But at least this time, in "The Liar's Dictionary" all the words are real!

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Ooh, interesting!

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Fantastic idea!

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I agree with you Scott. I enjoy of words also. Please keep it up.

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