Tom Peters should be a familiar face around these parts. He was first with us on Episode 9 of Timeless Leadership, when we talked about the concept of extreme humanism.
The topic hasn’t changed much, but the format certainly has. Tom’s latest book, Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence, is a collaboration with award-winning designer Nancye Green, bringing Tom’s most poignant work to life in a new way.
For anyone who wants to know what’s important in business — no, make that what’s important in life — Tom’s book is a must-read.
Book: Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence (Amazon)
David Brooks on resume virtues vs. eulogy virtues in “The Moral Bucket List” (New York Times gift article)
The Tyranny of Metrics by Jerry Z. Muller
Management Lessons from the Mayo Clinic by Leonard Berry
The Whiz Kids from Ford Motor Company
How do you measure leadership? (Y Combinator)
Episode 48: Tom Peters' Compact Guide to Excellence