Timeless & Timely
Timeless Leadership
Episode 43: Trust and Inspire with Stephen M.R. Covey

Episode 43: Trust and Inspire with Stephen M.R. Covey

The world has changed. Unfortunately, leadership styles haven’t changed with it. The old “Command & Control” leadership approach is no longer tenable in an era with a hybrid workforce.

Stephen M.R. Covey, a noted authority on trust and inspiration, helps 21st century leaders grasp this new reality in his book Trust & Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others.

In our interview for Timeless Leadership, we explore this shift, looking at the three stewardships of modeling, trusting, and inspiring against a backdrop of uncertainty and urgency — challenges all leaders face today.



To reach Scott to discuss a public speaking engagement, or to talk about his executive coaching services, please email timeless @ scottmonty.com

Timeless & Timely
Timeless Leadership
Learn about timeless principles of successful and admirable leaders, as Scott Monty interviews executives, authors, and entrepreneurs on what drives them.